Get money by each friend added by you

Today I will give you a detailed explanation of Fancy site and is a wonderful site and the experimenter, which provides $ 1 each member referral you get ...

Make money online with megatypers

Today i have this company is very excellent and the best in its field .. It is very easy and give you a profit gorgeous, and of course, whenever you operate more you earn more from the site ..

"views" a new technologie

Google was launching a new community site Views, and its so easy to added your photo spheres from any where , photo spheres are 360° panoramas ..

Microsoft sales: tablet service 853 million dollars

In the Meade of last October Microsoft sell in the first tablet device of its own, tablet service RT, and after ..

Make money by selling photos online

Hey every one today i will talk about a new truk to get money easily i was thinking about how many people haved cameras and . .

mercredi 20 avril 2016

Leaking The Latest Information Around The Intelligent Apple Car!

Mass medium discovered specialized during the last hours about the other information related in the intelligent self leadership car from Apple and which the company likes launching her for rivalry of Google and her intelligent self leadership car “Google Car” and which phase of the trying since tall period in the United States of America continued to be in.

If we were introduce a lot of the information around project Google related in the intelligent self leadership cars so that we e'lY aale'ks thereof the little thing about her project of rivalry Apple do not introduce except, where news were may employment spread since period around determination the company a number of the engineers and the two specialized technicians in automobile industry, except that new information may the last hours appeared during.

Mass medium the worldwide German newspaper moved about “Frankfurter Allgemeine” report sources described her in reliable indicates until the American company Apple works on development example her of cars which personality of the leadership will be and the electrical energy in relative to laboratory works in her in German Berlin and that two formative teams from what between 15 and 20 the engineers and the specialists work thereon, whereas attachment of Apple after on this news.

Now you can download Counter - Strike 1.6 On your Samrtphone for Free !

Who of us game does not introduce Counter-Strike the notorious game on devices the computer, this game to the front across contests of the electronic games antagonized and through the releasing Counter - Strike: Global is available today also in the smartphones on regime Ondroid.

What it the requirements to play the game ?

Of course smart phone in regime will need to be Ondroid. In addition to loading of application “Xash3D” in this link, and doawnload the file game with assistance in the steps explained in page lawful . and you should have the game  in your account on site steam.

Link to Download Xash3D
Link To Download Counter-strike 1.6

How acquaintance and make sure yourself isindeed your prohibition performed in designatingperson on aalwaats whatsapp or not !

In last times custom of application Whatsapp spreads of wide in the technological arena and the applications became which uses her small and big! But the stranger in the matter he that this application was the reason behind separation of group the social relationships and accusations stumblin “urban performed in on Whatsapp” etc. On him today and in this subject will meet on is indeed your prohibition performed in designating person on Whatsapp or not!

Will tries that the subject on form 3 distrusts pointing and sections that appeared in Whatsapp dismounted on certitude that person may your prohibition performed in from on Whatsapp!

1 - Image Profil. Ther is No Status!
That lac of image was appearing profil and like wise the relative to case him Status before and after period became  does not appear so possibility that person is may your prohibition performed in on Whatsapp especially that he was learning that person still use the same of the account did not end using on Whatsapp without that in his change.

2 - when you called the number

Whatsapp is easy for the all measure is sonic conversations without problems and that across service the VoIP where here attempt will straighten in and it the communication thereby the person who you believe that he your urban performed in so if the answer performed in on you and the sonic conversation is ergonomics even though that even my seconds were for only so this means that he did not your urban straightens in but that the reverse and two bugs of the telephone was see and see then see and does not be necessary you so here big possibility will be that he may your prohibition performed in.

3 - appearance of sign be true one

mardi 19 avril 2016

Viber Vs Whatsapp

Application of the chat announced and aaltraasl instant  Viber” about his application for new caracteristic and the matter in characteristic coding  of conversations hangs employed on his applicationto joins thereby Viber in competitive her “Whatsapp” which released in turn similar caracteristic during the past days.

Viber announced Tuesday about the newcharacteristic the complete coding for theconversations and which will be available for the all over the coming weeks and in gradual form but she in contrast availability requires employed onthe copy 6.0 from the application, and the matterin all kinds hangs the content on the conversations whether attachment of the matter in the texts orther images  and the statements

In breath of the frame discovered Viber about group the new characteristics as characteristic Hidden Chats” and which concealment of the conversations  managed from then the arrival to her  about personal road symbol of formed from four numbers  in addition to choice of the colors as evidence on degree of security the conversation, and point out Viber that the new characteristic will be available in the ratio for employed my her application on the working devices in regime Android and iOS in addition to devices of the Mac and the personal computers.